Monday, June 16, 2008


How do you reward yourself for achieving goals? I ask because this was the happy predicament I found myself in last week. My debt was finally paid off completely....for the third time. Hopefully this is the last time. It took only two months to accrue but six months to repay. In any case, it is gone and now it is time to celebrate.
Instead of the usual dinner and a movie, I wanted something different and memorable. As I was riding the ferry home, I saw a cupboard full of brochures for tourist attractions. Whale watching and obscure museums weren't appealing and likely required a permission note from my mom. Deep sea fishing sounded like work. Ziplining, however, had a youthful and adventurous appeal.
So today, to celebrate my new found fiscal health, I strapped on a cool yellow helmet and a very snug harness and hurled myself over the forest. This included 150 feet high wooden tree perches that swayed in the wind, 1000 foot zip lines that took over 40 seconds to traverse, and "the screamer", a final ride reaching up to 65 kph. Best reward ever. And I paid for it all with my Mastercard.

1 comment:

Mummy Maggie said...

Very jealous. Not only did you pay off your debt [which is going to take me years!], but I've always wanted to zipline ;) Except I want to do it in Belize when I go on my adventure tour in the jungle! Congratulations Rob! You deserve it.