Friday, July 23, 2010

The Long Runs

Last weekend I finally ran what I consider to be a long run...15 miles. I had previously thought that 10 miles was a long run, but that was when I was training for 10K races. Now I am working up to 20 miles every Saturday to get ready for the Bataan Memorial Death March Marathon.

I've learned a few things so far. One main thing is that 26.2 miles is a long way! My legs felt like jello at the end of the 15 miles and I was proud I did it but I had to step back and realize that if this was the marathon I'd still have 11.2 miles to go!

I've learned to appreciate the beauty of my little mountain town. The Rotary Trail in Chilliwack offers beautiful views of the Vedder river, the mountains, great blue herons flying in formation and bald eagles. Yes, there is the occasional snake crossing the road too.

Its a nice milestone but the real milestone will be my first twenty miler which is six weeks away.

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