Sunday, August 29, 2010

20 Miles at Last!

After 6 months of training I have finally accomplished one of my goals this year: to run a 20 mile training run. After failing to complete the 18 mile run due to hot weather and struggling to finish the 19 miler last week, I was apprehensive about the 20 miler. I was also determined to accomplish it. And yes, it is fun to watch people's eye's pop out when you casually mention how far you ran.

That is, when you don't get the most common reaction which is no reaction at all. I find that most non-runners just don't understand. Long distances and personal bests are two things that I find it less than useful to report to people who don't run.

And to be fair, I used to laugh at amateur marathon runners. Plodders who had no hope of winning who were happy to waddle to the finish in 5 hours or so. "Anybody can just move their feet for 5 hours" I would say. Well guess what? I don't feel that way any more! Especially in the last 2 months my respect for ANYBODY who trains for and completes a marathon has grown immensely. This isn't easy and it takes alot more than just moving your feet.

I now understand that when you see people running 26.2 on race day, its really the final 26.2 miles after hundreds of training miles. The final running day after hundreds of running days. The tip of the training iceberg. For many, this will be the greatest day of their life! And yes it should rival marriages and graduations and births of children because it represents a long term daily commitment to overcome fatigue, pain, self doubt and injury. It requires a complete change in the way they view themselves long before they have any evidence to support this new self image. The photo at the finish was created in their minds long before it was snapped. It was created long before anyone else could see it.

Sometimes, most of the time, in life you have to be your own one person cheering section for a very long time before anyone else cheers for you.

I am not certain I broke my ankle in November, the xrays showed a small bone fragment consistent with a small fracture but not conclusive, no cast was necessary. But badly sprained or broken I still couldn't walk right for six weeks. There was a time last December when I was sure I would never run again. But I made a plan to try to run. It started with seeing a physiotherapist as soon as possible and following their instructions diligently. I began range of motion exercises and trying to walk with as much pressure through that ankle as possible. Then, after two months of no running at all, I went for my first jog. I limped for 5 minutes but it was a start. Through January and February I slowly built up to be able to limp 15 minutes on a treadmill and then icing the heck out of my ankle afterwards. I began to believe. I began to feel that I was still a runner, an injured runner, but I was an athlete.

By the end of February I had a plan to run 1 mile more every Saturday until I ran 20 miles. This of course would be supplemented by running 4 weekdays. I ran on the grass soccer fields at Seabird and the treadmills at the gym. At first the ankle hurt with each step but I soon learned that it wasn't being harmed. Soon the ankle hurt only occasionally, and then rarely. Now, I often forget which ankle was injured. So finally, yesterday, after months of preparation I completed 20 miles. I am no longer an injured athlete.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

19 Mile Run

Today was my 37th birthday. What better way to celebrate than waking up and running 19 miles?

I find that before each run I have the same apprehension...can I really do this? On paper it seems like such a long way. Then I recall the previous runs of 15, 16 and 17 miles. They seemed so far at the time but now I wish I was only going 17 miles. Somehow, it seems hard to believe that I even completed those runs because those seem like large numbers. This morning I fought the disbelief by telling myself it was going to be like a day at work...a few hours of putting one foot in front of the other and then you're home.

Its significantly cooler now. Last week it was 85 degrees or more when I started my 18 mile run. It was 95 degrees a couple of hours later at mile 11 when I decided I had better stop. Today it was around 75 degrees when I started and it felt cold. I was glad because I knew I would have the stamina I need.

On todays run I also realized that preloading with 16 ounces of water 2 hours before I run is counterproductive...just ask a couple of unfortunate trees on the trail!

After failing to complete last week's long run, I decided to return to the strategy that worked in the past. That is breaking the marathon down into segments of 10-10-10 (10 miles, 10 miles, 10k), running so slow at the beginning that I think I am going too slow and not listening to the iPod until at least the five mile mark. The return to those principles and strategies worked well. At the beginning I just concentrated on going slow and relaxing and before I was even aware of it I was at the 5 mile mark. I actually didn't turn on the iPod until the 6.5 mile mark when I noticed my mind wandering and my speed slipping and decided I needed the music to keep up my cadence. I felt quite fresh at the ten mile mark and looked forward to the next ten miles. Finally, I was very glad at the finish that I had started out slow because I really was tired at the end and can't imagine what would have happened if I started out too fast.

I was passed three times by the same car on the dike road. A guy and his young son kept passing me in the car. They were grinning the third time they passed me as if to say "I can't believe you are still our here!"

When I finished the run my legs felt like jello. It was all I could do to stumble to the park bench and lay down. I stared up at the sky for about ten minutes before gathering my strength and walking to my car. I headed to Dairy Queen for a green Arctic Blast before driving home.

I still can't believe I ran 19 miles.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday Morning Trail Run

I love Monday morning! Well, basically there are two days that I love to run most--Monday morning and Friday morning. Monday morning is the mountain run. There is a 3 mile trail with about 700 feet of elevation outside my door (I live on a little mountain). On Monday morning I get up, run the trail and the best part is I get to go home and put some ice on my legs and go back to bed! For about 45 minutes then I got to get up and go to work but aside from Saturday its the only run where I get to go back to sleep.

I like Friday morning because they sell breakfast at work. If I work out early then I feel better about buying eggs, hashbrowns and extra bacon. I'd still buy it anyway but if I work out I feel better about it...

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I just registered for the Quad Cities Marathon on September 26 which is like 44 days or so away. More importantly I bought the tickets so I am for sure going! But I am NERVOUS as heck! I think it is half scared I can't do this nervous and half super excited that my 10 month recovery from ankle injury is almost officially over (its officially over when I run a marathon injury free).

So I figure I will be aiming for 5 hours which is 11:27 pace or so. I think this is pretty doable for 5 hours but we'll see. I hope there will be a pacer there I can just hook up with them and then use my cadences to keep up and 5 hours later go back to the hotel and chow down at the buffet.

Anyway, now I got to do my training and get ready to do this thing!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Almost there (but not quite yet...)

The first big training goal is in sight now...a twenty mile run. Its still three weeks away but its now scheduled for this training cycle. Its been almost ten months since I almost broke my ankle at the Remembrance Day run. I wasn't even sure I'd run again ever but have proven to myself that I can. Now I need to fight the good fight and finish the training.