Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lochside Repeats

I don't know why but I always get anxious before my big runs.

The plan today called for 5 X 1.5 mile repeats at 8:00 minute pace (12 minutes per lap). I learned from the Times Colonist that one of my problems is starting out too slow so I set the playlist for a slightly faster cadence ("When You Are A Soldier"). So as I started out on the first lap I noticed that I was running fast but not feeling much effort. This continued until the end when I noticed I was going to finish in about 10:30 so I purposely slowed down and still finished at about 11:10. Two minute rest and back at it. Every lap felt great, not pushing. There was a slight wind on the return laps which magnified the effort but didn't affect my time.

All in all a good work out.

Tomorrow is cutdowns at the track. I am hoping to hit 75 second quarter mile on the last lap.

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