Todays workout called for 4 laps of Cedar Hill Park chip trail. According to the Garmin, it was 1100 total feet of elevation gain over 8.68 miles. A tough run but I managed to make the last lap my fastest. Just as I was starting the first lap another runner passed me on the way up. He wasn't going much faster than me and I was tempted to pass him back but I decided to stick to the plan. It is good training for race situations because there will always be somebody faster and I got to learn to run my plan and not just react to other runners.
Anyhow, during the run I noticed that my shins were hurting more than usual. This is usually a sign that my shoes have worn out. I have had these pairs for 4 months and put alot of miles on them so I'm not surprised. So right after the run I hauled my sweaty self into Running Room for new shoes.
I usually run in Nike Air Pegasus. I like them because they fit my narrow foot and have enough midsole padding. They are also on the lighter side which is nice. So I picked up another pair. I also picked up a pair of Asics GT 2140 Trail shoes. Winter is coming which means alot of running in mud uphill and downhill so I hope these will provide a bit more grip.
Sitting at the bottom of the shoe shelf was a pair of track shoes on sale for $30. I have never run in spikes before but I am planning alot more track work. So I went ahead and bought them too. New Balance MDS 330. You even have to screw in the spikes yourself. Can't wait to try them out.
When it was all over, I found myself charging $350 on shoes. What have I become?
You have become me. ONLY $350 for shoes?! Pffttt! I can do better than that!
You probably could...if Prada made track shoes!
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